Help consumers make informed choices

What it Means

We believe how we label and communicate about our products is essential in helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions. We are committed to providing relevant and accurate information on the health, safety, origin, sustainability and responsible use of our products in a clear and accessible manner. Product transparency by marketing and labelling our products accurately, is part of our ongoing commitment to promote healthier lifestyle choices.

We will make it easier for consumers to identify healthier choices by displaying the Health Star Rating on all our retail products. This will be a staged approach with regular labelling updates on over 3000+ products.

By the end of 2025, our ambition is that 70% of our intended retail products will display the Health Star Rating on the front label.

All Goodman Fielder products have nutrition information available online and this will continue for all new products in future.

What we've Achieved

Over the years, Goodman Fielder has been an active participant in industry efforts to standardise and improve on pack nutrition information. We have robust internal procedures, systems and processes for managing nutrition content and health claims and providing clear allergen information across our product ranges.

We know many of our consumers have special dietary needs and we partner with non-profit organisations such as the Coeliac Society (Australia and New Zealand) and FODMAP Friendly (Australia) to easily identify suitable product choices. A wide variety of consumers enjoy our products including children, and we take great responsibility in ensuring all our marketing and advertising in Australia and New Zealand follows the relevant Food and Beverages Advertising Code and Children’s Advertising Codes. We also proactively participate and provide inputs into Food Standards Code regulatory development and seek to build strong government and industry body relationships.

The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a front-of-pack labelling system that rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from ½ star to 5 stars. It provides a quick, easy, standard way to compare similar packaged foods. The more stars, the healthier the choice. We will make it easier for consumers to identify healthier choices by displaying the Health Star Rating on all our retail products. This will be a staged approach with regular labelling updates on over 3000+ products.

  • We are currently achieving the voluntary uptake target of 50% of intended retail products to display the Health Star Rating on labels. ·
  • By the end of 2025, our ambition is that 70% of our intended retail products will display the Health Star Rating on the label. 
  • In New Zealand we’ve achieved our milestone of adding the Health Star Rating to more than 70% of intended retail products, and this continues to grow.

What’s Next

We will continue to make nutrition improvements across our portfolio of products to deliver Health Star Rating improvements and make it easier for consumers to identify healthier choices by displaying the Health Star Rating on all our retail products. We will also continue our roll out of the Australasian Recyclability Label and other sustainability related communications to support consumers looking for more sustainable diets.

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