Better Products

Our products touch millions of people every day, and we are committed to using that reach as a force for good. We’re helping consumers make better choices by providing healthier products with clear nutritional information.

Our products touch millions of lives every day, and we take our role as a trusted leader very seriously. We are committed to maintaining a portfolio of products where the majority are considered everyday foods, within a healthy diet.

Our Nutrition Policy serves as a framework to translate our Better Together goals into actionable commitments, with the aim to meaningfully improve the nutritional value of our products by 2025.

Further Information

*Everyday foods definition – GF defines everyday foods as those foods that are promoted in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and New Zealand Eating and Activity Guidelines, derived from the 5 food groups, that Australians and New Zealanders are encouraged to consume every day. They include healthier fats and oils that should be used in small amounts to replace those foods that are high in saturated fat.

**Discretionary Foods definition – Discretionary foods are those food and drinks we enjoy eating but are not necessary for a healthy diet. These foods should be consumed only sometimes, and mindful portion sizes should be considered. These foods tend to be high in energy and low in essential nutrients.

For additional information:


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