Modern Slavery

Goodman Fielder opposes exploitative practices that violate an individual’s human rights in all forms and recognises the persistence of contemporary forms of slavery.

What It Means

Modern slavery may include:

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Debt bondage or bonded labour
  • The worst forms of child labour
  • Deceptive recruiting for labour or services
  • Forced marriage

Australia introduced specific modern slavery legislation in 2018. In response to that legislation, Goodman Fielder has developed a Modern Slavery Policy which applies to our Australian operations.

Goodman Fielder’s Modern Slavery Policy is an important ingredient in our corporate governance and risk management framework in Australia. It offers guidance in relation to the recognised forms of modern slavery that persist in contemporary society and sets out some of the actions which Goodman Fielder may take to identify and manage modern slavery risks relevant to our Australian operations.

The Modern Slavery Policy provides a reporting mechanism which allows persons internal or external to Goodman Fielder to report genuine concerns about potential, suspected or actual instances of modern slavery affecting our operations or supply chains.

Goodman Fielder is committed to ensuring any modern slavery concerns are dealt with appropriately. Our Modern Slavery Policy includes a Grievance Mechanism which sets out the process which will apply to any eligible grievance or complaint received under the Policy.

Our Modern Slavery Statements submitted to the Australian Federal Government’s Modern Slavery Statements Register also outlines other actions we have taken so far to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks across our operations and supply chain in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). Find our most recent Modern Slavery Statement here

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